Friday, December 30, 2016

Why i prefer Get Help Worldwide!

You must have heard about the help site Get Help Worldwide and how it has been changing lives...well you heard right, the site has been a blessing to many and is putting up more strategies to impact more lives!

you can create an account here

so why do i like this platform? well its simply because it has very strict rules and regulations that will ensure its sustainability.

some of the rules include:

We have noticed with displeasure, the high rate of fake Proof of Payment (POP) Attachments & members exploiting the system by stopping the penalty time with fake attachments.

GHW is based on trust and actions like this must be dealt with immediately to avoid corrosion of the system 
Hence forth, we will ruthlessly deal with cases of fake proof of payment attachments by enforcing the following penalties.

  • Once found guilty of uploading a fake POP, a total of 25% of your active referrals will be permanently removed from your account (this action will be immediate and CANNOT be reversed).
  • Your next Provide Help will have a maturity rate of 60days.
  • All pending referral bonuses in your account will be cancelled
  • If you default for the third time, your account will be blocked and deleted from the system (no reactivation)
If there is need for time extension; you are strongly advised to contact your match receipient for time extension. 

other rules are:

Participants who fail to upload their Picture will earn 30% of their Provided Help in Bitcoin in 30days and 20% of their Provided Help in Local Currency. Participants who Upload their Picture will Earn their Complete 50% in Bitcoin in 30days and 30% for Local Currency in 30days. 

Participants who upload fake pictures will be Blocked when their ID is requested and compared with the uploaded picture. However, you cannot Get Help if you have not Provided Help. 

Request for providing help comes to you in your Dashboard. If you do not do it within 48 hours, you will be removed from the system. (For all eternity) In cases of any matter regarding the topic our Support Team are ready to help and answer all your questions.

and more rules 

  • If you are paired and you contact the money-receiving member, asking for a 24hr time extension to make payment, once he/she approves in his account, you will lose 25% of your credibility score.
  • If you offer to provide help and you cancel the offer (before you are paired), 5% score point will be deducted from your Credibility score card.
  • If discovered that your profile contains wrong profile picture/ information, 50% will be deducted.
  • If you fail to provide help to a paired member and expiry date elapses, your Credibility Score will be wiped out to Zero (0), which leads to automatic profile suspension.
  • Account/Profile suspension means you will no longer be able to place or receive help from this platform, for resolution, please send an email to .

with these rules the plaform prides itself as number one, you can create an account here 

follow the link and click on create account

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